Rebecca Byerly, North Carolina, USA
Though she did not know it at the time, Rebecca started this film as a way to heal and to better equip herself to be the mentor her 15-year-old cousin Patrick needs. His mother, who battled addiction and trauma caused from horrific domestic abuse, died of cancer in 2013. In telling Rebecca’s story we will go from where she grew up in Floyd, VA, in a family where domestic abuse and addiction was prevalent -- to building a life in Delhi and the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas in Kashmir -- to running 125+ mile mountain races with women around the world, all while including Patrick in the journey. Rebecca hopes that through this story Patrick will find what his 200-mile race is and have the courage to take it on.
Aparna Choudhary, Jaipur, India
Aparna Choudhary will show us what drove her to go from Rajasthan, India, where female infanticide is rampant, to the top of an 18,000 foot mountain in a 135-mile race -- to recently completing her MBA at Oxford so she can bring ultramarathon running to her country and empower other women through the sport.
Dr. Tawnya Dozier, California, USA
Dr. Tawnya Dozier will tell us how being adopted from South Korea and growing up in rural West Virginia -- “the only Asian in the county”-- influenced her to become a doctor, adopt four kids, rekindle her marriage and start running 200 mile races with her husband at age 42.
Anke Drescher
Pfinztal, Germany
In Germany’s Black Forest, Anke Dresher, will show us that aging is an opportunity to find the next thing that you can do. Now in her 50’s Anke takes on these long distance races because she’s learned that even though she’s much slower than she used to be, these races are not about being fast. They are about having the endurance to continue on.